Events & Pricing
Upcoming Events and Club Schedule
Winter Trap League
Every Tuesday December 3 — April 1
25 16yd targets, 25 handicap (20-25yd)
Wild Game Dinner
February 22, 2025
Social Hour 6:00, Eat at 7:00
Open to club members and their guests
Bring a covered dish
Member Meeting
Monthly on the Second Wednesday at 7:00pm
Open to all club members
Press either the "+" icon or the words "Add to Google Calendar" (whichever is presented) to add these events to your schedule.Please click on the event title (ex. "Tuesday Night Trap Practice") to see the event program.
ATA Registered
$34 per 100 Targets
ATA & OSTA Daily Fees: $6
1st 100 = $40, 2nd 100 = $74, 3rd 100 = $108
Practice Trap
$7 per 25 Targets
$6 per 25 Targets (shooters under 18)
Winter League
$17 for targets
$3 for Lewis & Jackpot per week (optional)
We accept cash or check. Make checks payable to MCF&G.